Fertility Journey
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Unforgetable Hospital Experience for 44 Days
Discharged from hospital on 22 Dec 2014, Monday, it was Guo Dong 过冬, admit again on 26 Dec 2014, Friday same week.
My boy having abnormal ear discharge, yellowish in color, doctor said since he is pre-mature & only at 22 days of life, he has to admit for observation before they can prescribe medication. When baby admit to hospital, mother would have to accompany & follow baby to admit because baby doesn’t know how to tell doctor their illness symptoms and the hospital is also not a nursery, mummy is responsible for baby’s feeding & diapers.
Luckily after detail observation, doctor confirms that it wasn’t discharge from ears, the yellowish patch comes from ear outer side, doctor said fungal infection, no need on antibiotic, only apply some anti-fungal cream. His eye has some discharge, doctor gave eye drop. His conditions improved, discharged after 2 days at hospital.
Many of my friends asked me why I am so quite after my delivery, why I seems to be disappear from this world, I didn’t pick up most of my friends calls, or even when I pick up, I told them I am busy and unable talk, neither I response to their sms or whatapps. I have no mobile data when at hospital, so typically I am not on facebook & whatapps. I typically have no mood to talk much when I was at hospital, despite my time was filled with taking care of my twins alone in hospital for 40 days!
When in hospital, I don’t know how to answer you when you ask if my babies are doing well, because every day there is new development on my babies’ condition.
On 11 Jan 2015, my babies admitted for the third time to hospital, this round is really serious, they have bad cough & doctor admitted them and put them on oxygen immediately. My girl even have to admit to ICU again for 2 days, in ICU, she was put in an incubator. My heart broke, she cried loudly every now & then, seems to be very scare & none of us can carry her as she has serious lung infection. I would say, I almost lost her if we delay in sending her to hospital, she coughs non-stop the night before, & she doesn’t drink for 6 hours continuously. Apart from oxygen, doctor put a feeding tube for her so that it goes direct to her stomach.
My boy admitted few hours later, daddy noticed he was having breathing difficulties, although he doesn’t need admit to ICU, his chest recession was recover much later, my girl initially can discharged at day 10 in hospital but since my boy wasn’t ready to discharge yet, we decided to be wait for my boy to discharge together. Doctor actually suggested we can discharge with my girl & leave my boy at the baby ward for nurse to take care, I didn’t want to do that because I have observed that since the nurses have to take care of so many babies, they cannot pay attention to my boy’s emotional needs. Baby wants to be carry & hold, if I leave my boy alone in the ward, the nurse doesn’t carry him when he cries, also they work based on schedule, if the feeding time is 12pm but baby starts crying at 1130am for milk, they doesn’t have time to bother and just let the baby to cry till 12pm then only feed him. Hence, regardless how tired I was taking care of them alone, I don’t want to leave my boy alone at the ward, I believe with my company, he can recover faster.
My confinement period was spent at hospital with my babies, normal government hospital ward, sleep under the fan, cold water to wash hands & typical malay food – spicy & tasteless, the whole hospital serve the same food for all wards for the day. Luckily I have my confinement lady to cook and bring meals for me.
When in hospital, my schedule:
1. I worked round the clock to take care of both twins, feeding is about every 2-3 hours for each baby, sometimes gap could be every hour as I was desperate wanted my babies to gain weight. No continuous sleep, sometimes they cried for milk together, sometimes they take turn. I asked for nurse help to feed one of them if both cried for milk, depending on the nurse, some nurse is really caring, they help with dedication, I noticed usually these nurses whom handle my babies with care are usually also a mother. Some nurse not so caring, they don’t bother to feed them well, if my baby refuse to finish the milk, they just stop feeding. As I am staying at a government hospital which advocate breast feeding, they don’t allow bottle feeding except with doctor’s approval. They provide formula milk but I have to feed babies using cup, reason is they don’t want babies to have nipple confusion and mummy suppose to breast feed baby. Then again, of course, it depends on which doctor you have, I happened to have a doctor that strongly advocate breast feeding, hence I have no choice but to use cup to feed them, which to me, is cumbersome, tedious compare to bottle feeding, and the leakage during cup feeding also doesn’t give me a good indication on how much milk that they actually drink.
2. Every morning 730am: Shower time. I have to wake up regardless, the nurse will wake me up at 7am, to tidy my bed, that’s the time when I usually feel very tired as I didn’t manage to sleep whole night taking care of twins. When they are on oxygen tube, I have to monitor them almost 24 hours as they move, the oxygen tube move as well. As my boy’s skin is sensitive, a few of the doctors said beware of eczema, his skin turn reddish when put on the sticker, hence I only stick on his hat & because of this, the tube easily move when he moves.
3. Every day there are minimum 3-4 doctors round – first houseman will examine, then follow by specialist. When they were critical, doctor also make another round during afternoon. At night, usually another doctor come & examine. The specialist is usually the same doctor ( Dr. Zurina then Dr. Farah, the rest of the doctors are all different. Whilst I appreciate my babies being closely monitor, sometimes can be quite tiring entertaining doctor as I was already very sleepy. It happened when I wanted to rest as I just managed to make both babies sleep after sleepless for 20 hours, doctor came & woke both my babies up.
I was totally broke down, I don’t know when my babies would recover, doctor said lung infection takes time, minimum one week, maximum could be few months, especially they are pre-mature babies, immune system is low. When in hospital, I came across babies whom are even more critical than my twins. I met Aishah whom baby girl – Zahra has a hole in her heart & down syndrome. She went through IVF @ HKL, it was first attempt & she was success with a baby. She said doctor said everything was fine during her pregnancy, only when she delivered, on second day, doctor told her the bad news, & when I met her, she already stayed at hospital for a month with her baby. I only able to chit chat with her a few times, was supposed to go out with her to canteen to buy food since we both bored of hospital food, but eventually we didn’t make it as most of my time was busy with my twins. One day when I try to look for her, she has left as her baby girl admitted to ICU due to oxygen level drop. I was so regret, why waste time to feel sad instead of making new friends, especially friends whom we share the same pain.
When I wasn’t pregnant, I pray to god that please allow me to have a baby, now that I have babies, I pray to god that please help my babies recover fast & please – don’t let both of them cry together, coz I don’t know which one attend to, and my hands were so painful taking turn to carry them.
Lessons Learnt:
1. Never ever expose new born with sick adult, my hubby was having flu and he has spread the virus to babies as he loves talk to them very close up, almost kissing position. Doctor said for adult, coughing is small matter, we can still work as normal, but for babies, they are not suppose to cough, when they cough continuously non-stop, usually they already have pneumonia ( lung infection ).
2. My girl started with running nose, nose block, sneezing, then coughing, she doesn't have fever even when reach hospital, doctor said if they cough non-stop, refuse feeding ( my girl didn't drink milk for more than 6 hours ), not active ( yes, my girl was closing her eyes most of the time, looks like sleeping and when I open her eyelid with hand, I saw the eye turning white instead of the black eye ball). When reach hospital, she was emergency put on oxygen tube to support breathing, her chest has deep recession shows that she has lung infection, then on antibiotic, tube feeding and next was to ICU incubator with high flow oxygen.
3. As my son has a hole in his heart ( asd ) 6mm, his recovery was much slower than his sister. Although he didn't admit to ICU, his chest recession was still obvious after 10 days, doctor said the hole makes him take longer time to recover whenever he has illness.
Later when I chat with someone I met at market, she said her grandson, whom was born pre-mature, at 8-month old, was having a bit cough, no fever, when reach hospital, pass away! The grandson was taken care by nanny at nanny's house, and they thought it was small matter for baby to cough!
I really thank god that everything is over by now, since than, I am a very sensitive mother, whenever I see hubby sneezing, even he could be having sinus, I stop & warn him not to get too close with our babies and we always argue on this.......because he said I accused him for being sick, & said want to see doctor to confirm, also he said he will stay with babies if they were to admit to hospital again...sigh! I married a China Man with Big Ego!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Unexpected Disaster....
Just when I was over confidence that I can have a smooth pregnancy, god has arranged something very special for me. I suffer from food poisoning, severe stomach pain, follow by vomit everything I ate, then diarrhea non-stop ( have to wear adult diapers ). I was admitted to Hospital Besar KL at 6pm on 20 Nov 2014 when having severe stomachache.
20 Nov - 1 Dec 2014
Severe stomach pain
Vomit non-stop, no joke, its like vomit what I eat & drink, vomit minimum 3 times every hour
Diagnose with Acute Gastroenteritis ( ACE ), then Urine Tract Infection, Asymptomatic Bacteria..& etc.
Babies weight drop as I typically did not manage to eat anything......what I ate, comes out very fast including vitamin & medication
Couldn't sleep during this period, was really suffering..
1 Dec 2014
Night 10pm, my water broke, hubby co-incidentally arrived 10 minutes before...hubby said it was raining, it seems like babies wanted to come out when daddy around.
Emergency cesarean mid night 2 Dec 2014
Babies came out on mid night
4 Dec 2014: I was discharged but babies stay as they are both pre-mature babies with only 35 weeks. Boy 1.6 kg, Girl 1.7 kg. Doc said weight will drop after they pass motion & gain back eventually
My body very weak, suffer from oral candidiasis, no breast milk, stress
8 Dec 2014: First breast milk: colostrum came - really thanks to my confinement lady whom supported me
17 Dec 2014: Re-admit to hospital to learn how to take care of babies & help them gain weight till 1.8 kg before they can discharge.
Learnt how to feed, how to shower baby, how to massage baby, how to perform CPR during emergency & etc.
18 Dec 2014: Boy 1.74 kg, Girl 1.72 kg
19 Dec 2014: Boy 1.73 kg, Girl 1.765 kg
20 Dec 2014: Boy 1.825 kg, Girl 1.745 kg
21 Dec 2014: Boy 1.86 kg, Girl 1.77 kg
22 Dec 2014: Boy 1.915 kg, Girl 1.895 kg
Very very tired to feed the two every 2 hours, taking care of twins really challenging.
22 Dec 2014: My twins discharge......my motherhood journey continues...
If ever you success in pregnant, my piece of advice:
1. Have to really really take good care & be careful on what you eat - I just make a mistake to drink outside on a unfamiliar place & it leads me to 12 days in hospital.
2. Register as a patient in government hospital, keep the "Pink Book". It is very important, as we don't know if we were to deliver early on pre-mature babies, as private hospital cost will be a bomb if babies need to stay at neonatal intensive care unit.
I remember few years back, I was looking at Christmas tree decorated outside doctor's room, while waiting for my turn to see doctor, to seek advise on what's next after the failed IVF. I didn't know what is going to happen ahead of me, whether how many round of IVF I have to go thru b4 I can get pregnant, today again, Christmas is coming, I have no Christmas tree at home, but I have twins....
The feeling is mixed - really mixed, I am indeed blessed & happy to have my twins safely deliver and came back, but on the other hand I am worry of their health & its going to be ups & downs.....
Things can never be perfect, I shall just live in presence in enjoy everyday with what I have, and stay positive...
Life is always full of unexpected despite how much we plan. Miracle can always happen.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
My Hubby - Daddy to be
When I started this blog, it was early this year, which was the time when I have failed 4 IVF cycles in 3 years since 2010. This blog was a platform for me to release my emotions. It was the time I was at dilemma whether to continue my fertility battle, especially when your fertility doctor whom at first very optimistic on you, after 3 failed IVF. started to hint that perhaps I should think about a cut-off point, and I have quitted my job, hoping that IVF can success without stress, but still, my fourth IVF was a failure.
I must admit, I am not a very determined person, I wanted to give up each time IVF fails, despite running out tears sometimes the day when I receive negative baby hormone test. I thought of adoption, I thought of forget about baby, find a new job & continue my life. It was indeed, my lovely husband whom supported me throughout the ups & downs. Every time after knowing the negative result, I think there were about 9 times failure including frozen embryo transferred , my hubby tried his very best to stand by my side, despite how busy he was during the result day. He just doesn't want to leave me alone to face the failure. I knew, even he kept silence, he must be equally sad, but he never tell me to stop trying, instead, he encouraged me to continue another cycle, until my biological condition doesn't permit me to do so.
His rational is:
1. We only need one sperm to form a good embryo - despite his sperm is not at good quality & quantity, but he believes its just a matter of time to get the right sperm merge with right ovum.
2. Having a baby has age limit, he said he wants me to think seriously whether I really want to give up, coz age is catching up, he doesn't want me to try after 45 years old, too risky & lower success rate.
3. He said if I really want to adopt, he doesn't want to continue IVF cycle, because he said he can't guarantee to equally love our own child & the adopted child, & it will be very unfair to the adopted child.
4. Unless all doctors give up on me & tell me that I can't conceive, he will agree to stop IVF.
5. Base on biological cycle, he said I can only go through about 4 IVF cycles in a year. Budget about RM 80K per year, with all miscellaneous. He said, we can downgrade our life style to save some $ for IVF, & he will take up loan if needed.
6. I suggested why not we go government hospital, fees is cheaper at about RM 7K per cycle I heard, he said we don't have much time to try, unless we have no choice, else try look for good fertility doctor, which usually from private sector.
Along the journey, he believes that eating well & maintain healthy lifestyle will help increase our chances, this was what we did.
1. Dr Prashant advised that he needs to take food with rich antioxidant, he said blueberries & strawberries has very rich antioxidant, so, typically one month before IVF cycle, he will buy lots of blueberries & strawberries to eat....I think about 1 box each everyday for few months or as & when we saw fresh supply in supermarket.
2. He also started to have some exercise - walking on treadmill at night after his busy schedule
3. He wanted me to follow Dr Prashant advise - eat deep sea fish, salmon & cod fish, rich in Omega 3 & protein - until a stage when I actually ate these two type of fish for 1 month and I am so scared of looking at this fish nowadays. I told him the sea fish could be contaminated with mercury, his argument is whether I am concern about lack of essential vitamins or getting poison. He believes my eating habit, where I actually eat more vegetables than meat, posted me risk of weaker body to support pregnancy than the risk of getting poison.
When we are desperate, we tend to find all ways, especially when people said eat this eat that can help have baby, from Traditional Chinese Medicine, to all kinds of Direct Sales Product & even Reflexology. I been thru the journey & I tried all these easy way, also spent lots of money. Imagine I bought RM 10K Shuang Hor Lingzhi and Pollen product at one time for both of us to consume just because the sales lady was so good in hitting my hot button!
My hubby believe go for certified doctor advise, don't spend $ unnecessary on unproven or tested method. Example:
a) He doesn't believe in Traditional Chinese Method (TCM), until one day we met Dr Helena, she did the scanning for me to determine ovum pick up date as Dr Prashant was on leave. We asked her how to increase our chance this round as we failed many rounds previously, her first answer was go for acupuncture after embryo transfer, she said higher success rate, & I can get from contact of Chinese SinSeh from counter, she has patients whom were success with acupuncture.
I did that acupuncture but still fail, after the Chinese SinSeh gave me various Chinese Medication to increase my fertility, I was with this Chinese SinSeh for 1.5 years, especially when I wasn't working, I typically went there twice a week for acupuncture & consultation back with all Chinese medicine powder to drink everyday.....
Until a day when I met Dr Soh for second opinion, his advise is for me to stop TCM since he highly suspect I have hormone imbalance, & TCM worsen my situation. I wasn't too sure if this is right, but after spending so much time & $, I thought I really need to seriously prioritize what to spend financially especially when we are already living with single person income.
Since 2013, I started a jobless life, it was indeed very boring & uncomfortable for first 6 months, for someone whom has very busy schedule, emails & phone non stop coming in a day, suddenly life is so quiet & my corporate friends has no time for me, I was indeed lost myself for a period, again, especially when IVF cycle that I have high hope - failed.
Sometimes I wake up in the morning with fear, I wasn't too sure how many times more IVF cycles I need to go thru. Its not painful physically but its emotional torture for me. I wasn't too sure whether I am doing the right thing or wasting my life, ultimately many childless couple still live happily & those with children have their own pain & challenge, which if given a choice to choose, they rather not having kids than an abnormal one.....
However, every time when I see relatives & friends have new born, cute babies & kids posting on their facebook, I am still a sour grape, & this dilemma went over & over for months until hubby has to use soft & hard method to counselling me....
Being a Chinese, I also follow advice to ask the 'God'. I pay for many "master" consultations, whom gave me different answers whether I will have kids or not, some even want us to change feng sui & etc. I try follow advise & instructions whenever I can, but I can tell you, no one ever told me that I can have Twins! & I also can’t confirm which god has help me eventually.....
For a period of time, I try settle down my mind, I go to gym - attend Yoga class every day. I cook at home every day, I learn how to cook my hubby favourite dish. I go to networking event to meet new friends from others industry. I reconnect with friends whom I seldom contact, especially those whom we share the same pain....whenever I am not seeing doctor...
I stop facial & buying expensive facial product, hubby said don't want me to contaminated with all chemical, also I need to cut my expenses.
I realized, by having a normal life, I eat balanced diet on time, exercise daily, sleep early @ 10pm & well, no work stress, everyday just try enjoy life, my skin complexion was getting much better than when I used to go facial bi-weekly in the past! My mood indeed was better, that I don't easily get irritated by others as in the past.
The pain of failure is like yesterday & I wanted to say without my hubby...I think I won't reach where I am today - 32 weeks pregnant with twins at normal weight. Both my boy & my girl are now 1.5 kg....another 5 more weeks, I am confidence both will reach min 2kg before they see their lovely daddy....
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Week 14-16: Diarrhea, Nose Bleeding, Vaginal Virus treatment
Weight: 58kg
Scan status:
- Both Babies growing well & heart beat
- One boy & One Girl
- Boy at my right, Girl at my left abdomen. Just B4 scan, hubby told me to confirm with nurse so that he can talk to the right bb when talking & touching my tummy.
Doctor consultation:
1. I asked what to do when diarrhea, he said just let it flush, drink 100 plus without gas to avoid dehydrated.
Note: I had diarrhea 2 weeks before, stomach pain, luckily it goes off after 24 hours...did not take any medication...was about to see doctor but then it goes off..
2. Nose slight bleeding: He said normal, as when pregnant, the blood veins lift up to the surface of skin. Nose has the tiniest veins & sometimes when I sneeze too hard, the blood come out. His advise is to take 1000mg Vit C daily, 500mg x 2 times daily. Eventually I eat more fruit & the nose bleeding stop without Vit C.

3. Q: I m on Intralipid Transfusion only until 5th month, what about after 5th month? Does the natural baby killer cells continue to be a threat? He said no, by 6th month, baby already growing strong, most organs are formed.
4. Does Intralipid reduce my blood pallette? Ans: Yes, but as you already done the blood test b4, & your blood results shows it doesn't reduce your blood pallette, so no worries. This intralipid is type of soya bean that normally those who undergone stomach surgery woruld take every day, as you are only taking once a month, so no worries.
Vaginal discharge result: I have candida virus, doctor said no harm but need to be treated, & he prescribed one tablet for oral & one tablet for PV. ONE pill & One time treatment only, can take separately, i.e. not necessary oral & PV at the same time, I tool oral on 30 July & the PV I took it a week later, which hubby’s assistance.
This one for PV, although doctor said same as usage as Cyclogest, can insert with finger, but it's a big pill, when insert with finger, its not that easy as it doesn't have the “lubricant” effect as Cyclogest. It's hard & causing pain when try to push inside vaginal especially when the vaginal is dry. Have no choice as it doesn't go in with finger, so I asked hubby to help with the "applicator", then only can go in slightly deeper....
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Week 10: Gastric, Bad vomitting
18 June 2014
Check up status update & physical discomfort
Check-up, 56.6. kg, having gastric
Low blood pressure 85/54
Not feeling well, feel sick but actually not sick
Stomach lots of wind continuous for few weeks (almost whole month of June )
Vomit – especially when:
1. Trying to eat food that I cook on my own
2. Spell something unpleasant – even raw fish/raw chicken when trying to prepare for cooking
3. Eating guava – I have been trying to eat at least one guava to prevent constipation, somehow every afternoon when I try to eat one, I vomit along the way, try to force myself to eat, but eventually all vomit out, despite I put some rojak sauce
Feeling very tired all the time, suddenly my insomnia disappear & I can sleep 2-4 hours during day time, about 8 hours at night
Wake up mid night one to two times, usually wake up by hungry stomach, gassy stomach, drink some goat milk + oatmilk, sometimes some biscuits, rest for a while, then continue to sleep.
1. Eat small meals multiple times – it comes to about 6 meals a day for me
2. After eating, try walk for a while, or sit straight to let the food digest first, never try to lie down flat to sleep despite very tired
3. When stomach empty – I try not to eat protein food such as beans, eggs, instead carbohydrate food such as biscuit
4. No more spicy food
Doctor . reduced some medication:
1. Glucophage – STOP
2. Cyclogest: Reduce from twice day to once a day, at night only
3. Clexane 0.4 mi 3 injections, alternate day, followed by Clexane 0.2ml, 3 injections, alternate day – then can stop already
4. Progynova: One week: 2 oral only per day, no PV; Following week: once a day only
5. Dexa: Half tablet daily
6. Proluton: Last injection on 20 June
7. Calcium – can start taking. I asked if doctor I can take my GNC, after looking at the Calcium dosage which is 1000 mg per pill, doctor said too high, he usually give about 600mg, if too high, his concern is I have constipation. I told him I don’t have constipation now, he said if that is the case, I can take this.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Intralipid Transfusion #3
Week 8
Reached 3pm, complete see doctor at 6pm
First stomach scan wasn't success due to my bladder wasn't full
Been no bleeding for a week, doctor said good sign
Medication reduced:
Progynova 2mg; Reduced to 3 pills per day from 4 pills per day
Dexamethasone: Reduced to 1 pill from 2 days per day
Baby growing well, heart beat 178 & 161
Doctor also advised on EDD
Monday, May 26, 2014
Waited 5 hours to see Dr Wong.....
Appointment card stated 4pm-5pm
Reached Sunfert at 430pm
Only able to complete see doctor at 930pm
I was the last patient!
The nurses said today is the latest night that they stay at work....
Pity them have to stay late for the patients, for me luckily I am not working, I feel very blessed that I am pregnant, the wait is worth for me, luckily there is Starbuck at Ground floor to fill up the stomach temporarily.
After 6pm, payment is make at Ground floor Emergency Unit & medication collects at Ground floor Pharmacy
My babies:
Everything ok, can see slight bleeding, but no harm
All medication to be continue
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