Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sunfert: Dr Wong Pak Seng March 2014: Preparation for IVF, Endo Scratch

6 March 2014
Prescribed medication: Glucophage 850mg 112 tab

See doctor Wong because I m at Day 3 period
My period almost stop when meet doctor
Scanned, doc said many eggs, no need to worry short period flow, as I have no sign of menopause
But he sees sign PCOS sign, where my eggs are seen group together
He prescribe me with Diabetic’s medication: Glucophage 850mg ( reduce blood sugar )
1 tablet a day for first week
After one week, 2 tablets a day
Objective is to improve eggs quality, implantation
The side effect, he said, fat people will lose more weight, compare to me, I will loose a bit of weight

6 – 13 March: First week – I took Glucophage 850mg one tablet a day, side effects is diarrhea everyday, doctor said its normal
14-21 March: Second week – I tried with 2 tablets a day, am feeling very uncomfortable, diarrhea stops but

Glucophage 850mg
Strong side effects on 21 March 2014
Stomach & chest pain
No appetite
Nausea, many winds

Called Dr Wong’s clinic, spoke to the nurse on my symptom, after they checked with doctor, doctor said if I really feel uncomfortable, its ok to stop.

So I stop for a few days, and started back with quarter of tablet after meal, gradually increase to half a tablet after meal every day, each day I take maximum of 1 tablet, as of today 19 April 2014.

22 March: only one pill after breakfast, pain continues, tired, slept afternoon & 11pm at night, 1am woke up, serious chest pain; totally lost appetite, not even wants to drink water.
23 March: 5am – chest pain, massage chest, stop today to observe
Meanwhile, my research on role of Glucophage 850mg supports fertility as follows:

Next visit:  Mid cycle to start endometriosis scratch  

14 March 2014
Day 10, scanned, only 3.5mm,  normal 8-9mm
The scratch as done as his consultancy room, on the spot, first something was insert into vaginal, he used something to knock inside, same like Embryo transfer, just a bit uncomfortable, after that a few blood stain which is normal.
The objective of endometriosis scratch is to stimulate and activate the fertility organ, in our first visit, he explained that just like a mango tree which never fruit before, but when you scratch its truck, the mango tree will start to fruit, natural survival skills.
He said looking at my pattern, my previous implantation failure could be due to thin lining, initially he plans to order special progylynova which can stick to my body for better absorption, but he said they have check, it is not available in Malaysia.
I asked what can I eat to increase the lining, he said ‘Glyline’  & Co-enzymes Q10 ( already taken with Fish oil ).
I realised Protein is important to thicken lining & increase implantation, as Glyline & L-Argnine are both protein.

19 March 2014
I tried find from pharmacy but could not find any Glyline, called doctor office again and doctor advised to change to L-Arginine 500 through nurse.
Side effects: Urine with strong amino acid smell  & my skin started to get a bit itchy, hence I stop for a while.
I realised Protein is important to thicken lining & increase implantation, as Glyline & L-Argnine are both protein.


  1. Hi dear...may i know if u did ur endo scratching on day 10 of cycle??

  2. Hello Rachel, I think so, as stated in my record.

  3. Hi...can I have your email address as i have some questions to ask about your previous experience? My email is

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